The Grind: Day 1

Alas, only 4 more weeks to go before the dreaded exams, and the grind has already started. Today would be the propagator--and God knows how much I needed to start ASAP, considering how far I'm left behind while my studyload steadily gets heavier.

Woke up today at 10 in the morning(which would be highly unusal on any given normal Sunday) with the sole intention of getting started with my much delayed studies. Well, that was the plan, at least. The more appropriately accurate time would be about an hour or so later, since using the snooze function of my cellphone is simply to hard to resist.

And factoring in the FB-time and baths and lunch, it was well noon before I actually started. Two hours later.

The process in itself is spaced rather liberally in between with trips to the loo, FB-ing and of course the godsent DS. Now, lest I am dismissed as not being serious with this resolution, allow me to say that I did study a significant portion of a chapter (the whole chapter, to be exact) to at least have the right to brag I have indeed put it effort for this noble cause of NOT failing in my first test. That, and a few exercises on that chapter, too.

Lunch and dinner was pretty insipid at the least, and I wasn't even filled to satiety--but then again I guess it's my fault for skipping church today. (For the record I am provided with free dinner in church with theoratically infinite refills).
Not to mention that guilty pit-feeling in the stomach for abandoning my religious obligations for something as measly as studies.

Feh, studies. Trust me, after 4 hours or so on the GI tract, you'll never look at the stomach the same way anymore.

And this is said before the cadavering.

Well, off to another hour of grinding. (maybe)

1 Comment:

  1. Calvin Soo KJ said...
    hello's me, bro calvin. good to know that you have a blog yourself. got your blog from phoebe. cheers and god bless...:)

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