Frustrated: Angry at the World

I am angry no one listens to me
I am angry I'm always second grade to others
I'm angry I couldnt do things others could
I'm angry my views are ignored
I hate the fact that it hurts so much
I'm angry I always need to rely on others
I am angry no one ever takes me seriously
I am angry I have to try so hard to be noticed
I am angry I have no one to talk to
I'm angry this is the only way i can express my frustration
I'm angry nobody cares
I'm angry no one tries to
I'm angry that no one sees why I am this way
I'm frustrated no help ever comes my way
I'm frustrated at my mediocrity
I'm angry at the fact that I am weak
I'm angry people take advantage of that
I hate the way I have to pretend just to please others
I hate the fact that I cannot show my weakness
I hate the fact that I bruise too easily
I hate the expectations
I hate the comparisons
I hate my indecisiveness
I hate the fact that things never work out the way I want it to
I hate the fact that it's different for other people
I hate being always the one on the wrong side
I hate being the good guy all the time
I hate being patronized
I hate the fact that time never heals anything

I am frustrated people will laugh this off.


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