Bored at 12

Do excuse the somewhat long pointless post yesterday--all in the name of venting out ultimately giggles. Today's pretty ordinary, what with pharmaco lectures still raping me front and back and then there's the customary/obligatory lecture which serves little purpose but to ruin my otherwise productive day. Having said that walking out of lectures is quickly becoming a habit I find hard to curb, more so when precious time is being consumed by lecturers who believe telling lame jokes and speaking at snail's pace would make them a darling to our already packed timetables.

I finally had time to do things I intend to do, which most importantly includes catching up with all the accumulated workload over the past few weeks or so. And working out, too! :D

On an absolutely different note Animeslut's being stalked by a guy who seem to not notice fine line between being overfriendly and overtly flirting, and needless to say I find it amazingly amusing, since Animeslut has this tendency to be a people-pleaser (or a very good pretender. either way.). Once the person is out of her sight, however, the disgusted side comes up and becomes an endless source of entertainment.

And I really need an apartment mate now.


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