Happy Happism

Right--so the sand in the vag phase is sorta over now, all thanks to housemate's HDD finally being retrieved from the depths of corruptedness. Well the previous posts have been absent as well but all I can say is the semester is doing little in keeping said housemate's and my sanity in place what with all the complexities of the human anatomy. And physiology. And pharmacodynamics. You get the idea.

And if the impression of having afternoon classes brings to mind lazy mornings dawdling about or simply lying in bed watching the clock tick, I urge you to purge that notion immediately. A workaholic I may be (I think), but these days meetings are the only few things I do not exactly look forward to--not in the morning, at least; waking up at 8+ when you could well do 11+ WITHOUT any meetings. Can't say I have nobody to blame but myself for volunteering in so many activities, but I suppose that is one of the few things that keep me from leaping off the balcony when I can't tell how the heart tube folds. And how they differ from a squashed orange (google the picture and you'll see what I mean).

While nothing else is worth mentioning at the moment, I can say that the Orientation Planning and M&P is coming up splendidly at the moment. No, really. Everything's fine in lalaland tralalala everyone's happy.


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