Maliciosus Infectiousum

As I _may_ have mentioned awhile ago, new housemate's moved in and so far almost everything's fine--He seems pretty decent (definitely not as wild as the previous one ;p) and nice. In fact Animeslut did comment on how he looks agreeable to housework to which I gave a disapproving condescending look (but secretly agreed having been a slave to her for the past year). More things, of course were said about him but shall remain unmentioned to protect the PC-ness of this particular blog. *ahem*

Still, the recent turn of events gave us a new perspective on said new housemate. To put it simply, we have came to a conclusion that newhousemate is either a mermaid, a sea creature or a hydrophile due to his seemingly indiscriminate usage of water. Or he's secretly harboring a sea creature in his room. Or *gasp!* another human!


That could explain why he needs to wash his clothes everyday.

(various other theories are also presented but shall not be made known to protect the innocence of my dear readers-- if any.)

Best moment? When he walked around the apartment in his wet flip-flops leaving wet patches of footwork all over the place--Animeslut's constipated-gorilla look was (still is and will always be) quite priceless. Pretty much the same malicious pleasure you derive from looking at the face of an OCD-suffering person whose book arrangement you mess up. Or a kid whose dominoes you tip *accidentally*.

Gods, I love my life.


  1. Sihan said...
    compared with electrophile I stayed with previously, hydrophile seems like a lesser evil. LOL
    Tats! said...
    maybe he takes baths so that he doesn't smell funny.

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